Early Literacy Program

Published on Oct 19, 2017

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Early Literacy Program

Ages 3-5
Photo by Joshua Fuller

Literacy Milestones for Ages 3-5

  • Enjoy listening to and talking about stories
  • Rhymes
  • Identifying some letters & corresponding sounds
  • Making attempts to read and write
  • This information comes from Reading Rockets website
Photo by Joshua Fuller

Creating a program that incorporates several early literacy concepts in a story time, with each story time devoted to a new letter and story.

Focusing on a single letter allows the children to learn the sounds as well as words that begin with that letter, so for the letter "S" the program could begin with the pronunciation of the letter. An example of phonological awareness for this program would be how it's shaped like a snake and sounds like a hiss.

Program would include:

  • Listening to the story -- Pete the Cat books use rhyming patterns and repetition in the story.
  • Rhyming is a skill that children ages 3-5 are learning to participate in.
  • The repetition of the story allows the children a chance to participate in the story telling.

Untitled Slide

  • HarperCollins, the publisher of Pete the Cat books has several printable activities on their website including a matching game, a coloring page, and a door hanger the children could color.

Using the matching game from the HarperCollins website uses the early literacy skill of comprehension. Matching images allows the children a chance to play while also learning.

Example of Crafts for the Program:

  • A coloring page featuring the letter "S", such as filling in the letter
  • Making paper sunglasses similar to Pete's with blue paper, blue tissue paper, and pipe cleaners. Many of these items would be prepared ahead of time by staff.

Crafts are helpful as a way to create a link between the story and what was learned in the program. Using such items are helpful in creating alphabet knowledge as well as communication.

Crafts in this program create a link with the alphabet as well as communication in this program because it allows the child to see and interact with the letter in a new way, as well as allowing the child to explain how the craft relates back to the story.


-Amazon. (n.d.). Pete the Cat and his magic sunglasses. Retrieved from: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/512WWIwfqDL._SX258_BO1,204...
-DeBruin-Parecki, A., Perkinson, K., Ferderer, L. (2000). Literacy Milesons: Ages 3-4. Retrieved from: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/literacy-milestones-ages-3-4
-HarperCollins (n.d.) Pete the Cat books. Retrieved from: http://www.petethecatbooks.com/
Photo by Joshua Fuller

Kristin Robertson

Haiku Deck Pro User