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Slide Notes

Henry VII 1485-1509

Henry VIII 1509-1547

Edward VI 1547-1553

Mary I 1553-1558

Elizabeth I 1558-1603


James I 1603-1625

Charles I 1625-1649

Commonwealth 1649-1660

Charles II 1660-1685

James II 1685-1688

William II & Mary II 1689-1702
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Crime & Punishment Preview - Early Modern England

Published on Feb 09, 2017

Overview for Edexcel 9-1 History: Crime and Punishment covering monarchs and key social issues in this time period which might influence crime and punishment.


Early Modern England

Henry VII 1485-1509

Henry VIII 1509-1547

Edward VI 1547-1553

Mary I 1553-1558

Elizabeth I 1558-1603


James I 1603-1625

Charles I 1625-1649

Commonwealth 1649-1660

Charles II 1660-1685

James II 1685-1688

William II & Mary II 1689-1702
Photo by Dun.can

Early Modern England

Break with Rome Catholic vs. Protestant = religious turmoil

Economic changes

Increasing population

Social changes (no more feudal system)

Printing press

New farming methods & land enclosures

Increased taxation

Population doubles 1500-1700

Civil War

Role of women very restricted

Continued growth of towns/cities

Increasing influence of scientific thought at end of period
Photo by Dun.can