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Early Statehood of Texas (1845-1861)

Published on Jan 31, 2018

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Early Statehood of Texas (1845-1861)

By Emilia Powers And Justin Wu 
Photo by rcbodden

Timeline of the Early Statehood of Texas

  • 1845, Texas officially becomes the 28th state of the USA.
  • 1845, Texas creates state constitution and government
  • 1846, the Mexican-American War starts.
  • 1848, treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was signed
  • Compromise of 1850 creates western border of Texas.

Timeline of the Early Statehood of Texas

  • 1860,Texas seceedes from the Union to join the confederates.


  • Abolitionists worried that adding another slave holding state would upset the balance in congress.
  • Americans worried that it would create trouble if they added Texas because,of the revolt of Texas
  • In 1844 the new president James Polk decided that adding a new state mattered more than their concerns.
Photo by TexasEagle

1845 Texas creates state constitution and government

  • The makers of the sixth constitution in Texas was The constitutional Convention of 1875.
  • The vast majority of Tejanos, Mexicans, Native Americans and African Americans did not benefit from annexation.
Photo by thor_mark 

1846, the Mexican-American War starts.

  • War breaks out with mexico about western borders including Texas border.
  • Gen.Scott ended the war by laying siege on Mexico City.
  • After a year and half of fighting Mexico conceded of defeat. And the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was signed in 1848.

1848, treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was signed

  • The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo stated that:
  • Mexico agreed to sell there territory north of Rio-Grande and California for 15 million dollars to the U.S.
  • Mexico also agrees to see Texas as an an American state.
  • This treaty also created several U.S. borders.
Photo by Braden Collum

Compromise of 1850 for Texas.

  • The compromise made the state borders of Texas.
  • Texas had a lot of debt so the government paid for it.In order for the U.S to help Texas, Texas had to transfer land to the federal government.
Photo by Corey Leopold

1860,Texas seceedes from the Union

  • Not many Texans were in favor of slavery, the majority of Texas voters believed that the U.S government should not interfere with their ability to keep slaves.
  • Some Texans did not want to seceded from the Union like Sam Huston the govener of Texas.
  • Texas secedes in 1860.
Photo by Texas.713

Summary of Early Statehood

  • The Early statehood of Texas changed the lives of many settlers. It created the constitution and government, created Texas borders, got the U.S more land,and created a new state in the U.S. This era created order in Texas.
Photo by thor_mark 

Thanks for watching!

Again By :Emilia Powers And Justin Wu
Photo by ChrisIrmo