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Earthquakes & Bushfires

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by digitalsadhu

Earthquakes are geological because they are caused by tectonic plates on the earths surface. They're also caused by nature as it might affect the tectonic plates.


In most serious earthquakes around 400-700 people die. In some smaller earthquakes it can vary between 100-300 people.

Earthquakes are usually caused around the coastal areas as tectonic plates are on the coastal lines.

Photo by martinluff


Photo by marcp_dmoz

This type of earthquake could occur in Australia as earthquakes are on the coastal areas and we as a country have that. This earthquake is geological.

This effects the environment as it makes cracks in the earth that you can't fully recover.

Photo by Cal OES


Photo by bertknot

Bushfires are caused in the forrest or bush as the sun reflects on the grass and grass is very flammable.

Photo by michaelroper


Photo by Thingo

If the bushfire is near houses and streets it is more likely that more people will die than when it's in the bush out of nowhere.

Photo by bertknot

Bushfires are meteorological because they are caused by weather because the heat of the sun effects the bush.

Photo by bertknot


Photo by Tatters ❀

Bushfires can occur anywhere in Australia especially in summer as the sun creates heat which creates a bushfire.

Photo by bertknot