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earthworm dissection

Published on May 13, 2016

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earthworm dissection

Carry out the Procedure...
Photo by Emet is Truth

earthworm  dissection

Name the major structures
Photo by estonia76

digestive structures

  • Mouth
  • Pharynx
  • Esophagus
  • Crop
  • Gizzard
  • Intestine
Photo by estonia76

circulatory structures

  • Aortic Arches
  • Dorsal/Ventral Blood Vessel
Photo by estonia76

Reproductive structures

  • Seminal vesicles
  • Seminal recepticles
  • Ovaries??
Photo by estonia76

Nervous system

  • Dorsal/Ventral Nerve Cord
  • Brain
Photo by C.Rat

Extretory organ

  • Nephridia
Photo by yama_hokkaido

external anatomy

  • Clitellum
  • Mouth
  • Anus
  • Setae
  • Male Genital Pore
  • Female Genital Pore
  • Septum

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