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East Timor By Emma Jenkins

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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East Timor Education is very poor, over 90% of buildings in East Timor have been destroyed by the Indonesian military. This means that kids go to school in ruined or broken buildings so this can mean that kids and teachers can get sicker and can get infections easily because there is not a lot of first aid or medicines so this can effected a lot of peoples health and physical and mental ways of thinking and learning that can be used in the future because there are constant wars at East Timor so kids are highly effected by this problem, so there education can take them places and they can get out of all the worries and wars in East Timor.

East Timor Education is quite poor, 90% of buildings in East Timor have been destroyed by the Indonesian military. This means that kids go to school in ruined or broken buildings so this can mean that kids and teachers can get sicker and can get infections easily because there is not a lot of first aid or medicines so this can effected a lot of peoples health and physical and mental ways of thinking and learning that can be used in the future because there are constant wars at East Timor so kids are highly effected by this problem, so there education can take them places and they can get out of all the worries and wars in East Timor.


Education in Australia has a record of having a very high standered for education, Their are many good schools all over, but there are a few schools that have a low standard and this is not good to now about, but for our good education there lots of different types of way to teach. Australia is very lucky to have no wars or fighting in our State so we don't have lots of ruined buildings, and no war influenced wreak ages.

(Religion in East Timor)
East Timor has a very big percent of people who are Catholic, 98% of people are Catholic, 1% Protestant & 1% Muslim. East Timor has gone through a lot of wars, so God was a very big part of there lives and still is Today, as East Timor still battles through wars and hard time, people go to synagogues, church's and even in homes, because most of the church's & synagogues (etc) have been destroyed by the military, and people are often threatened about believing in God, so people fell protected by welcoming people to there homes to pray.


Religion in Australia

There are many religions in Australia such as, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Other Religions, No Religion, Not stated, Other religious affiliation. There are so many religions because there's a lot of cultures that have came to Australia because there country's were in war zones, (etc), Australia is also very lucky to have facilities that are Good quality and that can be used for all types of cultural celebrations,
Australia is very welcoming to new religions that have been bought from other countries and do not force these countries to learn English.

Because East Timor is quit a hot, Rocky & sandy place a lot of outfit are made to suit humid weather. East Timors clothing is something called a Tais, this is worn by many East Timor people, Men, Women and a lot of children where Tais with singlets, sandals and also a type of traditional hat which is mostly made of local items like feathers and dried grass straws.

Australia's Clothing

Australia's traditional clothing was the Clothing from the Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islanders, witch was a small piece of clothing that covered there privates & there were special beads, that hung down all around the hip section, and then the paint, which is on their skin to symbolise a special culture of there's. The designs reflect a persons relationship, and a small animal called a totem animal. But There are a lot of cultures in Australia, so there are a lot of people who wear their traditional clothes, but the one of the most popular would be thongs or tees, shorts or track pants, there's not really a clothing tradition, because there's lots of people and no religion ways we have to be ruled by.

Food In East Timor
East Timors Traditional food is Rice, this is because it's cheap, and filling, anther food is vegetables, ( Beans, Leafy greens, carrots & potatoes, this is because they're easy to prepare. People in East Timor deep fry everything in oil, ( Even 2 minute noddles). East Timor are very big on spicy food Meat is very Rare in East Timor this is because it's very hard to find meats because it's very expensive. East Timor people aren't very big on sweets, and this is why there bread is very sweet, but East Timor kids are fine with cheap lollies and Chocolate.

Food in Australia
There's a lot of different types of traditional foods in Australia, like seafood, sausages, steaks, vegetables, (etc), and as I've said a lot there's been a lot of other cultural foods being bought over from all these other cultures coming to Australia. Australia developed lot of there foods from Britain, like when they first arrived in Australia 1788, they found all the new foods, with their deigns, textures, and most of all flavour, we have always enjoyed sausages, which were founded In Germany, and there are so many Fruits & Vegetables that have been around for awhile which we've imported & exported a lot of foods but we have been very lucky to have all these foods and to be able to eat a sustainable meal, not a lot of people can afford to feed there children, so sometimes they starve but we're very lucky to have this.

EastTimor language
(Language written in East Timor) {Timor Leste Língua}
East Timors national language is Portages & Tetun, In School, children are only aloud to speak Portages & Tetun, Many Foreign People , Example, Australia & South Asia, have also been the Strong about the language being spoken in East Timor.

In East Timor Right Now there are very big wars, effecting people all over East Timor, & The peoples family's all around the World, the East Timor government is trying to stop this, but there are a lot of powerful people fighting so it's very hard.
There are a Prime Minster & a President. The Prime minsters Name is Xanana Gusmao , and the president is Taur Matan Ruak. These men don't have a very big same when all the government states come together because there a very low GPD earning county, so people think that there to poor, but no people on the news talk about, the wars there, just in Syria or the Isis Killings, it's just not fair to think that the government don't even care about these Wars, or the killings

Australian Language