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Eaten Alive

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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By Daisy Cholden
Photo by danielito311

Once there was a town.In that town there was a school.In that school there was class.In that class there was a girl.Her name was Daisy and Daisy was hungry!

It was lunch now.The bell just rang.Daisy came rushing out of class and took her spot in the cafeteria.

Photo by @abrunvoll

I want chocolate milk she said. Right away the lunch lady replied. Now when the beverages heard this they screamed and ran.All except for Sam.He believed he was wanted for his sing skills (witch where horrid).La la la la la. He sang in a way a cow moans when shot.

Photo by slolee

The lunch lady grabbed Sam and popped him on Daisy's lunch tray. Their he froze to shocked to move.And I want a ham,cheese,mustard and mayonnaise sandwich on hole grain bread.Alrighty she said.First she took the ham of the top shelf in the fridge.Only one piece of ham? Little did she know the rest where hiding behind the milk.

Photo by Emily Barney

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