For my project i decided to study the grassland habitat around my house
flora present
- dandelion
- buttercup
- daisy
- grass - clover
- deciduous and evergreen trees
fauna present
- earthworms
- wood lice
- spiders
- foxes
- red squirrels
- sparrows, robins, crows
competition in forest ecosystem
- smaller trees must compete with larger ones for light and nutrients in the soil
- dandelions compete with other plants for space for reproduction
for my habitat study experiment i used a (homemade) quadrat to carry out a quantitative study of the grassland
this is a picture of the habitat i used
- grass
- buttercups
- daisies
- clover
there were no fauna present so i began to look for some
by lifting rocks i found earthworms and wood lice
abiotic factors
- light intensity - this can effect the growth of plants in certain areas of the habitat
- soil type - this can effect the growth of certain plants. if a solid is sandy it allows easy root penetration.
- pH of soil - this can effect the growth of plants. if a soil is too acidic it can be hard for plants to grow.
biotic factors
- food - the more food available, the more organisms that will be present.
- competition - animals and plants fight for a scarce resource. this can lower the number of weaker organisms.