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Economic Vocabulary Book

Published on Feb 05, 2016

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Economic Vocabulary Book

by Caitlin Fawaz
Photo by c_ambler


  • Economy refers to the wealth or the resources of a country.
  • It could also refer to the wealth or resources of a part of the world.
  • In today's world everything we are able to do depends on the economy.
  • It is important that the economy is strong.
  • The economy depends on the production & consumption of goods/services.
Photo by ecstaticist

Free Enterprise

  • Free enterprise is a system that lets businesses compete.
  • Free enterprise means that the government doesn't control the business.
  • In today's world we see free enterprise systems in most western countries.
  • America is a free enterprise economic system.
  • There are very limited government controls on businesses.
Photo by Werner Kunz


  • Socialism is a tranistionary state between capitalism and communism.
  • In socialism there is a belief that the society should regulate business.
  • Businesses controlled by socialism have a lot of rules.
  • There isn't much competition between businesses in socialism.
  • It is based on Karl Marx' theories that also inspired communism.
Photo by xiaming


  • Communism is a belief that property is all own by the government.
  • People are paid by the government based on what they need.
  • It is the opposite of capitalism. Hard work isn't rewarded.
  • It is a belief that there are no "class" differences.
  • It's a idea based on communal ownership and sharing.
Photo by A*A*R*O*N


  • Goods are physical items that meet the needs of consumers.
  • Goods are produced and sold for a profit.
Photo by ajagendorf25


  • Services are intangible outcomes of human effort.
  • Services meet the needs or demands of consumers.
  • Some services can be obtained at salons, hotels or by airlines.
  • America has become more service oriented in the last 20 years.
Photo by marcp_dmoz


  • Consumers are people who purchase good and services.
  • Consumers make purchases for personal use.
  • Consumer needs and demands drive the economy.
  • In America we consume more than we are producing.
Photo by k.landerholm

Supply and Demand

  • Supply and demand is an idea.
  • If there is more demand by consumers the supply goes down.
  • If there is more supply than consumers want the supply goes up
  • If there is a lot of supply (low demand) the price is low.
  • If there is a lot of demand (low supply) the price is high.
Photo by Megan Byrd


  • Scarcity means that something is rare or hard to find.
  • If goods are in short supply they are scarce.
  • Scarcity can cause prices to go up if demand is high.
Photo by Rakesh JV

Natural Resources

  • Anything that people use that comes from nature.
  • There are renewable and nonrewable resources.
  • Soil, sunlight, water, and wood are renewable.
  • Coal and oil are nonrenewable resources.
  • Demand is high & supply is low.  Countries with many resources get richer.
Photo by Rémi Vannier

About the Author, Caitlin Fawaz

Caitlin is a oboe playing, horse riding, music loving 6th grader in Texas.