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Ecosystem Destruction

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Changes to Lakes and their Animals

Before the Hurricane

This Is the ecosystem of the snapping turtle.

This is the hurricane.

This hurricane hit the area with the most snapping turtles in America

After the Hurricane

This is the destruction that it caused to the ecosystem.

The Effect

Most snapping turtles are either killed or driven out of their ecosystem.

The Competition

The Snakes


 Snakes where driven into the snapping turtle ecosystem by the hurricane.

The Effect

Snapping turtles will fight for their territory but most of them flee.


The snapping turtles have a relationship with the shrimp.


  • The shrimp where originally in the ecosystem the shrimp.
  • The shrimps main food source is found on the snapping turtles shell.

The Effect

The Snapping turtles get cleaned while the shrimp get food.

Commensalistic Relationship

Snapping turtles have a commensalistic relationship with the lizards tail.


  • The snapping turtle chose this plant for shelter and many others.
  • This plant also provides food for the turtle.

The lizards tail provides shelter for the snapping turtle but does not benefit.


Leeches will invade snapping turtles and suck their blood.


  • The leech found out the the turtle couldn't fight against it. 
  • The leach took advantage of that and started to suck it's blood


The leeches get their food but the turtle is losing blood.

The Shell

What would happen if the turtle didn't have a shell?


  • Long ago the turtle didn't have a shell.
  • Te turtle started to evolve into a shell 260 million years ago.
  • The main cause, new predators.

The Predator

  • The new predator was larger and stronger than the turtle.
  • The turtle had no defense system and had to develop one.
  • Thus came the shell.

Secondary Succession

How the ecosystem came back from the hurricane.


  • The hurricane did some major damage to the ecosystem.
  • In secondary succession the ecosystem will start to grow back but the soil is already laid for it.
  • So the plants will start to grow and then the animals and insects will start to come back to the ecosystem.


  • how many animals that are in the ecosystem, depends on how fast your animals will come back.
  • The biodiversity of my ecosystem is very large, so animals will come back quicker.


What do humans need from our ecosystems?

  • They need their resources to live their lives

WHat resources do the need?

  • Well from our ecosystem they need water, food, metals, wood and living space.

The effects

humans can have a positive or maybe even a negative effect on an ecosystem

Negative effect

THe negative effect is that the trees will go away quickly.

How we can stop this

  • WE can stop the cutting down of trees by making a park.