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Published on Feb 04, 2016

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Photo by Rennett Stowe

Ecosystems are biological communities of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

Photo by Kamaljith

Ecosystems include abiotic [nonliving] factors and biotic [living] factors

The sun is the ultimate source of energy for ecosystems [solar energy]

Photo by angela7dreams

Certain organisms [producers] can convert solar energy to chemical energy [food]

Photo by Paco CT

All other organisms [consumers] must obtain chemical energy by eating [consuming] other organisms

Photo by spencer77

Some organisms [decomposers] obtain chemical energy [food] from dead organisms

Photo by ressaure

Decomposers recycle matter and return it to the ecosystem

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Carbon, oxygen, and other materials cycle through organisms and ecosystems and are constantly reused

Photo by p.Gordon

Energy is also cycled through organisms and ecosystems starting as sunlight

Photo by Tanozzo

Diagrams [food chains and food webs] are used to describe the cycling of matter and energy through organisms and ecosystems

Photo by normanack