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Published on Dec 21, 2015

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Our drug,"methylenedioxide-methamphetamine" (MDMA) goes by many different names, such as:
However, it's most popular (street) name is "ecstasy"

What is it?
-human made drug (created in a lab)
-grouped as a psychoactive drug (meaning that it effects your mind)
--it was banned by the DEA (drug enforcement agency) in June, 1985
-is also classified as a hallucinogen (effects and disorients how your mind sees things)
-effects the bodies central nervous system, (the brain and the spinal chord)
--developed over 80 years ago

Physical Effects of Ecstasy:
-gives you energy -distorts time and perception
-not able to regulate temperature
-sharp increase of body temperature -"day after" depression
-when you crash (coming off high)
you feel depressed, unable to focus, and tired
-speeds up the bodies activities
-dryness of mouth -jaw clenching -faintness
-chills -sweating -muscle tensions
-nausea and vomiting -dilated pupils (causing blurred vision)

Mental Effects of Drug:
-makes you happy and confident
-distorts how you see things
-can make you depressed, (both short term and long term)

Treatment Options:
There are no drug treatments for addiction to ecstasy, so mental and behavioral therapy is commonly used to manage the psychological effects of the drug after you get it out of your system. Once you are super high, (feeling really confident and happy,) and then you come really down, (making you feel really depressed compared to the high,) it can cause many physiological issues. Your body will "crave" the drug, and this can cause an addiction, which is why a drug therapist can help.

Ways to Get the Drug In Your Bloodstream:
Usually in the form of loose tablet, capsule, or loose powder. Taking a capsule or tablet is the most common way to take this drug, however it can also be smoked, snorted, or injected.

Short Term Risks:
-could result in a panic attack
Long Term Risks:
--physical damage done to kidneys
-high risk for: heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure (hypertension)
-will have long term effects in the chemical stability balance of the brain
-may also have issues with their memory storage faculties

Photo by tanjila

Interesting Facts:
-heatstroke (hyperthermia) is the main cause of death from ecstasy. If you take other drugs, such as alcohol, with ecstasy, it will increase the risk
-one "hit" can be up to 10-30 dollars
-2.4 percent of 8th graders, 4.7 percent of 10th graders, and 4.5 percent of 12th graders had abused ecstasy at least once in 2010 (national institute of drug abuse)

Photo by tanjila

More Interesting Facts:
-MDMA was first made by a company called Merck in Germany to be used as a diet pill, however there is no evidence of it actually working as a diet pill
-MDMA was recreated in America by a chemist named Alexander Shulgin
-experimented as a aid in psychotherapy

Photo by tanjila

Website: http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/mdma-ecstasy-or-molly
Ecstasy: The Danger of False Euphoria
by: Anne Alvergue




Weathering And Erosion