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Educating English Language Learners

Published on May 02, 2016

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Supporting English Language Learners

Ways to Support ESL Students in your Mainstream Classroom

Learning Target

  • I can identify strategies that I can use in my classroom to help meet the needs of ESL learners.

Why this is Important:

  • ESL students are the fastest growing group of students in the United States.
  • Most ESL students are placed into mainstream classrooms before they are proficient in English.
Photo by black vanilla

Make it Visual

  • Instructions and classroom procedures written.
  • Challenging concepts diagrammed or supported with pictures.
  • Modeling the steps of a process.
  • Show students an example of a finished product.
Photo by Thomas Hawk

The Power of Group Work

  • Leads to higher levels of engagement.
  • Less Teacher/More Student
  • Students are able to practice the language in a low-risk setting.
Photo by greglobinski

Communicate with The ESL Teacher

  • Share what is going on in your classroom.
  • Invite each other to special presentations.
Photo by gibsonsgolfer

Honor the "Silent Period"

  • Don't force ELLs to talk if they are uncomfortable.
  • Many students will fear speaking if they haven't perfected English.
  • This is a normal stage in 2nd Language Acquisition.

Allow for Native Language Scaffolding

  • Pair a new ELL with a peer who speaks their native language.
  • Allow students to explain and ask questions in their native language first.
  • Allow students to pre-write and brainstorm in their native language.

Culturally Unique Vocabulary

  • Directly teach vocabulary words related to American or Western culture.
  • Show pictures and videos of concepts that may not be represented in their native language.
  • Omit non-essential vocabulary not necessary for understanding.
Photo by Beeny87

Culturally Unique Vocabulary

  • Directly teach vocabulary words related to American or Western culture.
  • Show pictures and videos of concepts that may not be represented in their native language.
  • Omit non-essential vocabulary not necessary for understanding.
Photo by Beeny87

Practice Academic Language

  • Use sentence stems to model academic language structure.
  • Post in a highly visible place so students can use when speaking and writing.
  • Make this a classroom norm for all students.
Photo by KJGarbutt


  • Provide students with books, articles, videos before they're used in class.
  • Increases ESL students ability to comprehend.
  • Empowers students and allows them to feel more comfortable with the material.
Photo by John-Morgan

Cultural Backgrounds

  • Learn about the cultural background of your students.
  • Sends the message that you respect who they are and where they come from.
  • Pronounce their name correctly, learn their country of origin.
  • Learn their cultural and religious practices.
  • Be the ONE who gets it right.
Photo by nsikander28

Encourage Risk Taking

  • Learning a new language requires students to be willing to make mistakes.
  • Foster a community of learning from mistakes.
  • Teach and practice the difference between laughter and ridicule.

Take ELLs Seriously

  • When students are trying to communicate focus on the message, not the delivery.
  • Lack of language does not mean lack of intelligence or understanding.
  • Look past mispronunciations and respect the message.
  • "They're doing twice the job of everyone else even though the result may look like half as much." (ESL Teachers Survival Guide)
Photo by HowardLake

ESL Scenarios

  • With your team read each scenario. Brainstorm some ideas of how you could support the ESL students within your mainstream classroom.
Photo by bcostin

Learning Target

  • I can identify strategies that I can use in my classroom to help meet the needs of ESL learners.