Ok – lets keep it simple: this program is about doing the work. Doing great work, worthy work, and the right work, but none the less its work. And there is some stuff you'll need to deliver over the 12 months.
Throughout the year you will do the following:
• Create a Branding Board: This is a visionary-minded forecast of your future fleshed-out ideas using the Intellectual Property Snapshot. If you’re going to call yourself an education leader, the first step is to educate yourself. We’ll show the methodology to do this, and track the results.
• Launch four clusters: The program is broken into 90 day blocks, punctuated by the workshops. Every 90 days you will take a new cluster, a new education innovation, to the community. A big chunk of each workshop is preparing everything you need to effectively promote and deliver that cluster. This will provide at least two exposures to new audiences.
• Become Published: By the end of the 12 months you’ll have been published in a trade journal or main stream publication, with features approximately 25,000 to 60,000 words. This includes blogging, self-publishing, interviews, or even a book.
• Keep score: Your job in your education leadership position is to innovate, empower, and deliver. We’re going to measure all three. Each week your status will be tracked by how many IP Snapshots you submitted, your projects, and your delivery on your dashboard, all of which will be submitted to the team. It’s amazing the difference that weekly attention to these three measures makes.