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Education TB

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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  • TB is one of the worlds deadliest diseases.
  • Tb is an bacterial infection of the lungs that can spread.
  • To the lymph nodes, the bloodstream and to any other organ.
  • People with HIV and live in poverty are most likely to contract TB
  • TB is one of the leading killer in people with HIV
Photo by liverpoolhls


  • TB is a primary airborne disease.
  • Bacteria can spread in tiny droplets through
  • Coughs, sneezes, and just talking to a person infected.
  • TB is most common in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
  • Proverty stricken places and people are most effected.
Photo by octarina8


  • TB was know as many names
  • In Europe around the 17 century there was the great white plague
  • It lasted 200 years, in the 19 century it was known as the romantic disease
  • 1880 sanataria's open trying to cure and prevent the spread of TB
  • 1890 Koch's identified Bacillus was the cause of TB
Photo by o palsson


  • A bad cough that last 3 weeks or longer
  • Coughing up blood or spectrum from deep in the lungs
  • Night sweats ( waking up saturated in sweat at night).
  • Chills, fever, chest pain weakness and fatigue
  • Weight loss, no appetite


  • Bacille Calmette - Guerin
  • BCG is the vaccination for the TB virus
  • Its is a live weakend form.
  • It is given in a shot form of one dose
  • When administered it will prevent people from contrating TB


  • The shot is given intramusclar
  • Vaccine should be given to infants soon after birth
  • Adults any time before exposure
  • Shot is given in a single dose
  • Cost of the shot varies from 28$ To 300$ dependng on the country
Photo by @alviseni


  • Was first administered to humans on July 18 1921
  • It was developed by some french scientist.
  • Albert Calmette, Camille Guerinas where thier names
  • Thats where the name BCG Comes from.
  • They first tried it out on cows in 1875 in 1958 the first infant was used.


  • It was first given as an oral preparation like the polio vac.
  • Then later it became a shoot form
  • TB vaccinations in Europe are a part of child hood Vac
  • They are not part of the vaccinations routine in the US


  • About 1/3 of the worlds population is infected with TB
  • People with weaken immune systems have greater risk of drying from TB
  • 1.3 million died from TB in 2012 320,000 where people with HIV
  • 60% of new cases occurred in Asia in 2012
  • 56 million people have been treated successfully since 1995
Photo by bump


  • WWW. CDC. Gov/TBtopic/ global
  • Book Turberculosis Then and Now by Flurin Condra and Michael Worboys