Marx's theories about society were known as Marxism. This is progress through class struggle. He argued that the working class should carry out an organized revolutionary action and bring socio-economic change.
Conciousness was rooted in human activity by how we organized our daily life.
Instutions of society like education were reflections of the world created by human activity.
Karl Marx is important in education as his thoughts and ideas change the way we see learning. The education system is a reflection of the economic base and serves to reproduce it.
"Life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life."
-Karl Marx
Theories based on concept of being, from which much of modern existentialism derives. Existence is prior to essence.
Learning is defining ourself as autonomous by defining the world and individual awareness.
The teacher facilitates learning personal freedom through experience.
Jean Paul Sartre is important in education because his theories help us to understand the teacher student relationship better. His theories are the tools to help achieve personal freedom through the experience.
"Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat."
-Jean Paul Sartre