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Effective Teacher Characteristics

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Effective Teacher Characteristics

By: Shatia Jones-Baladwin
Photo by cybrarian77

A teacher should care about their job and the children that they're teaching . Some teachers I know just do it for a pay check and a child can tell when you don't want to be there.

Photo by peoplesworld

A teacher should make the class fun. Teacher always say that we, as the students, shouldn't fall asleep, but they should put their self in our shoes. I know they hate being in a boring meeting. How do you think we feel.

A teacher should love what they do. A child know when you don't want to be there. In turn, makes the the child feel the same way. A teacher need to be excited to be there to shape young minds for the better.

Photo by Rex Pe

A teacher should be engaged with the children no matter what age. No one want a teacher that just gives out work sheets and busy work. Then sits at the deck all day.

Lastly, a teacher should be patient. Children are going make mistakes. Teachers cant just give up on them after one time. It take some time.

Photo by superkimbo