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Effects of ACid Rain

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Effects of ACid Rain

Photo by Sergio Lora

Hypothesis: As the amount of acid rain increase, the rate of transpiration in plants will decrease.
Design: Take 3 plants, water one with tap water (control), one with acid rain level of China (highest acid rain %), and one with the acid rain level of NYC (medium acid rain %). Place them in same environment. After 24hrs, record the rate of transpiration in three 10min intervals using the potometer.
Importance : Studying the correlation between acid rain levels and the transpiration rate of the plants will help us determine how industrial use has effected the primary producers of our world. The study can be used to raise awareness and campaigns that will help humans take better care of what makes life possible on Earth.

Photo by Sergio Lora

Expected Results (rate of transpiration)