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Effects on humans

Published on Nov 21, 2015

Air Pollution


Effects on humans

chapter 6.2
Photo by Dragos N.


Photo by Andrew.T@NN


  • Air pollution can cause health problems
  • Some diseases; emphysema, asthma, and cancer
  • the American Lung Association estimates that
  • we spend $93 billion each year on health costs

Chronic Bronchitis and Asmtha

BRonchitis and Asthma

  • when a person’s lungs are constantly irritated by pollutants
  • Symptoms: constant coughing; difficult breathing
  • Main pollutants are; particulates, oxides, and acids
  • Air pollution does NOT cause asthma, but it can worsen it

emphysema & lung cancer

emphysema & Lung Cancer

  • Air pollution has been linked to emphysema
  • air sacs in the lungs can no longer push air out of the lungs
  • lung cancer is linked to air pollution
  • Cigarette smoking is the main cause.

Indoor Air Pollution

Indoor Air Pollution

  • Air pollution is not limited to the outdoors
  • air inside a building can be polluted as well
  • in: carpets, building materials, paints, and furniture
  • poor air quality - have sick-building syndrome

Radon gas

Photo by practicalowl

Radon gas

  • invisible
  • tasteless
  • odorless
  • radioactive
  • can lead to cancer


Photo by ephotography


  • Asbestos used to be commonly used in commercial buildings
  • Exposure to asbestos in the air is dangerous
  • the air can cut and scar the lungs causing the disease; asbestosis