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Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Photo by sdhaddow

Relative: Northern Africa, boarding the Mediterranean Sea, between the Gaza Strip and Libya, and the Red Sea north of Sudan.
Absolute: 26.0000* N,
30.0000* E

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Major Human Features:
1. Great pyramids of Giza
2. Karnak Temple and Luxor Temple
3. Great Temple of Abu Simbel
4. The Valley of Kings
5. The Citadel
6. New Library
7. The Valley of the Queens

Photo by S J Pinkney

Major physical features:
The Sinai peninsula, the Western desert, the Eastern desert, and the Nile Valley and Delta.

Human/environment interaction:
Air pollution, lack of rain, soil containment, water pollution.

Photo by Kodak Agfa

Region of the world:

Arabic is the official language. But English,and French are widely understood by educated classes.

Republic. Egypt's government is semi-presidential. Abdel Fattah el-sisi is Egypt's president. Ibrahim Mahlab is Egypt's prime minister.

People traded and had farms. People had many farms and growing livestock. The items in Egypt are made. Egyptians planted and grew things.

Photo by kmf164


  • Starts in September, ends in June
  • Pre-higher and higher education
  • The teachers rotate around each class instead of the students
Photo by UCL IOE

A family in Egypt is parents and children. Parents would generally have 5 or more children. The oldest male usually gives the last word. Major holidays in Egypt.


  • Muslim 90% and Christian 10%
  • Muslim 90% and Christian 10%
  • Ramadan
  • Eid al-Fitr
  • Eid al-Fitr
  • Eid al-Adha
  • Christmas
  • Christmas
Photo by ecstaticist

Egypt's smart village.
The government cut off access to network and shut down cellphone service.

Photo by LoicT

Current international issues:
1. A soaring unemployment rate
2. The crime rate has almost tripled since 2010
3. Egypt endures rolling blackouts
4. Fuel shortage and traffic jams hinder communications
5. Rising cost of food
6. The Muslim brotherhood stands tall

Photo by xlynx

Books: Egypt by Stuart A. Kallan and Egypt by Robert Pateman/Salwa El-Hamamsy.
Online: ciaworldfactbook, geography.howstuffworks.com, www-db.in.tum.de, wow5bs7.weebly, www2.sptimes.com

Photo by Matt_Weibo