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Egypt Gods And Goddesses

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Amun Ra

And egypt today

This god was and still is the most plwerful god of all of Egypt. His name is Amun Ra. Also known as the god of the sun🌞

Photo by waywuwei

Each night the Egyptians believed that Ra would disappear and travel through the sky and each morning he would rise from ocean of chaos.

Each morning really early the egyptians would awwake and have a cerimomie.

The cerimonie was to bring back Ra who had the power of the sun
Photo by Valentina_A

Why they needed the sun was because they needed it for farming. Also they felt safe, reconnected and protected by the sun.

But the bad thing was, they would have to get up early in the morning!

Photo by skoeber

How Ra was made was by each god would give Amun Ra a qualitie from themselfs

Photo by rishibando

For example,

Sebeck Ra gave Amun the head of a falcon
Photo by GoShows

All the gods worked to together to make him the most powerful god!

Also did you know that Amun was the father of the goddess Maat Ra!

Photo by koopmanrob

She was the goddess of justice and truth

Egyptians today are different from 100s of years ago.

Only about half of Egypt believe in more than one god

Photo by fabiogis50

The other half only believe in one god

Photo by mharrsch

Years ago all of Egypt believed in more than one god but things did change over time.

Also 90% percent of Egypt are Muslim.

The other 10% are copts which is the one of the most oldest christian branches

It's crazy because years ago all of Egypt were the same religion.

I hope you liked this presentation about Egypt!

By Beth Grannell