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Egypt Project

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Map of Egypt

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The Nile River
The Nile river is very important to the Egyptians because every fall it would overflow and when the water settled again it left a nice fertile, rich soil to farm on. It also provided them with protection and it was a good source of transportation. It also allowed them to catch many fish.

Photo by radiowood

Burial Customs

Egyptians believed that after they die the go to heaven or the devils house. The high classes of Egyptians get mummified and they get there organs taken out and put in ceramic jars. They are put in tombs or pyramids. Priests do magic spells to help the soul find its way to the afterlife. People also bring clothes, food, and other needs the souls might need.

Death masks
Death masks were so if the soul didn't get permission
To be reborn or go to heaven it could go live in the body. They placed them over a mummies face so the soul would be able to recognize the body.

How did they make mummies
It took a very long time, from start to finish, it took about 70 days to embalm a body. The priest in charge would wear the mask of a jackal representing the god Anubis 1. The body was washed and purified.
2. Organs were removed. Only the heart remained.
3. The body was filled with stuffing.
4. The body was dried by covering it with a substance called natron*. This substance absorbed all the moisture from the body.
5. After 40 - 50 days the stuffing was removed and replaced with linen or sawdust.
6. The body was wrapped in strands of linen and covered in a sheet called a shroud.
7. The body was placed in a stone coffin called a sarcophagus.

Photo by p_a_h


Photo by Bernt Rostad

Who built them
Slaves and people from poor Egyptian family's built them if they died on the sight they would be buried in a tomb close by.

Photo by sdhaddow

What was in them
Most Ancient Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for Pharaohs and their families. Inside them they put things to prepare there souls for the afterlife. They also put riches and valuables in the tomb.

Photo by hto2008

When and were did they build them
The first pyramid was built around 2640 BC. They built pyramids in the desert around Egypt.

The Great Sphinx

Photo by masondan

What is it, where is it, who built it
The Great Sphinx is a large human-headed lion carved out of limestone. It is located in the city of Giza. It is unknown who built it.

Photo by Sam and Ian

Riddle Of The Sphinx
The riddle is What walks on four legs in the morning, on two at noon and on three at night?

King Tut

Photo by themarina

Who was he, When did he rule
King tut was the youngest pharaoh of Egypt. He ruled from 1332 B.C.E. to 1323 B.C.E.

Photo by mharrsch

Why is he important
He is most famous for his intact tomb found in 1922. And he was the youngest king in Egypt.

Gods and Goddess of Egypt

Photo by Jon Himoff

Ra was the most famous Egyptian god. He was god of the sun.

Photo by Ark in Time

Anubis was the god of death and embalming. His head was a jackal.

Photo by kalupa

Set was the god of desert and storms.

Isis was the most powerful of the gods and goddess. She was goddess of magic.

The Rosetta Stone

Photo by bunchofpants

What is it
The Rosetta Stone is a big black stone. Scientists didn't now how to read hieroglyphics until they found this. This stone had 3 different texts written on it so they were able to learn how to read them.

Photo by glsims99

We're is it today and why is it important.
It is In a museum in London England. It is important because it allowed scientists to read hieroglyphics for the first time.

Photo by upyernoz

Queen Hatshepsut

Photo by diffendale

Who was she,when did she rule
Hatshepsut was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. She ruled from 1473-1458 B.C.

Photo by eviljohnius

Why was she important
She became the first great woman in recorded history,
She was also the king of Egypt .

Photo by MrOmega


Who was she,when did she live, who was her husband
She was queen of Egypt.
She lived from 1550 to 1292 BC. Her husband was

Photo by delphaber

The great pyramid

Photo by pikesley

Who built it, why was it built, how tall and big was it
It was built by pharaoh Khufu. It was built to be Khufu's tomb when he dies. It's hight is 481 feet.

Photo by isawnyu


Photo by Ian W Scott

How was it made
They cut the long stalks and soaked them in water until they rotted at little. Then they laid out the stalks next to each other. And a lot of stalks on top of it. And then they pounded them flat.


What are they
They are a form of writing Mostly used for religious purposes.

What they were used for
They were mostly for religious writings about the gods or the souls trip to the after life.

Photo by mk30

New, Old, Middle

Old kingdom
This time was a big progression for artists and Egyptian art.

Photo by DI Library

Middle Kingdom
Upper Egypt and lower Egypt united. The throne was passed down to a new family.

Photo by mharrsch

New Kingdom
Egypt became very wealthy . From this wealth they built many temples to the gods.

Photo by angela7dreams

Social class

Nobles, priests
Slaves and servants