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Egyptian Gods And Goddesses

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Egyptian Gods And Goddesses

Who are the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses?

Here are the important ones, but there are many more, that are important.


God of the Sun. 

Sun represented light, warmth, and growth. He traveled Underground , on Mandjet, the Boat of Million Years, or the morning boat. Mesektet, the evening boat. Ra was worshiped as the creator god.


God of Rebirth and the Sunrise

Connected with the Scarab Beetle. He is a solar deity.
Khepri is a Morning form of Ra.


God of Rebirth, Creation, and Evening Sun

Khnum is one of the Earliest Egyptian Deities. Ancient Egyptian believed that Khnum was the creator of humans. He made a "Potter's Wheel" out of clay, then he placed mother's womb.


The God of Air

Meaning "Emptiness" and "He Who Rise Up".He was considered to be cooling, and thus calming, influence, and pacifier.


Goddess of Moisture

Represents moisture, moist air, dew and rain in Ancient Egyptian religion. Literally translating as "The Water".


God of the Earth

Original mane was "Gebeb/Kebeb".Laughter were earthquakes. He allowed crops to grow.


Goddess of the Sky

Her name is translated to meaning "Sky".Did not only had death and rebirth.


God of the Dead

Sometimes called "King of the Living". His green skin symbolizes re-birth.Ancient Egyptian considered the bless dead "The Living One".


Goddess of Magic

Used magic power to help others.Friends of slaves, sinners, artisans, and downtrodden. Listened to prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats and rulers.


God of Chaos

Seth is God of desert, storms, dicorder, violence, and foreigner. He betrayed his brother Osiris. You shouldn't ignore Seth. He balance desert (Red)


Goddess of Death

Paired with Isis to protect mummies. Original Goddess Nephthys is unknown. Her name is translated to "Lady of the House", miss identify to a "housewife".


God of Sky

Is the oldest and most significant deities. He is seen as a falcon, most likely a lanner or peregrine. He was worshiped Piedynastic period, through Greco-Roman time.


God of the Dead

He was most important God of the Dead replaced Osiris. Associated with mummification and protection of dead to their journey into the afterlife.His wife Anput, his daughter Kebechet.