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Egyptuan culture

Published on Nov 19, 2015

This is my credible haiku deck about Egyptian culture


Egyptian culture

By Mousty and sophaktra
Photo by wisegie

Our 8 Questions

  • What is the most common religion in Egypt?
  • What is Egypt’s National language?
  • What is the most popular food in Egypt?
  • Why did the Egyptians change their language?
  • What is the most celebrated festivals in Egypt? 

Untitled Slide

  • Who do the Egyptians Value?
  • What makes them believe in their religion?
  • What makes Egypt's customs unique?
Photo by Adrian Barnes

What is the most common religion

in egypt

The most common religion in egypt

is the Islamic culture

What make Egyptians customs unique?

Egypt has some the most unique food like Gibna domiati

Egypt has 2 of the 7 wonders

of the ancient world!!!


Great Pyramid of Giza


The Lighthouse of Alexandria!!!

Egypt is a popular tourist destenation

with over 12.8 million tourists a year!!

What are the most popular Festival's

In Egypt?




You cant eat from sunrise
Photo by Claudio.Ar

to Sunset

Also they celebrate the

south sinai camel festival

They celebrate the Egyptian national

Animal the Camels by racing them!!!

Who do the Egyptians

Photo by cameraburps

The Egyptians nowadays

 Value ALLAH 

They pray to allah

at Mosques
Photo by Oberazzi

In the ancient times Egyptians

Valued their Kings by giving gold

What makes Egyptians believe

in their religion
Photo by birdfarm

They believe in their religion

because there are stories and tales that people have talked to god 
Photo by Connor Tarter

In the Islam religion they believe that

Mohammed was the last prophet of god and the first prophet on earth 

There is proof that Muhammad was real

and that Jesus is real and that buddha is real
Photo by kevin dooley

Why did the Egyptians change their


The Egyptians language was being lowered because

 they were being attacked by a lot of arabic speaking countrys
Photo by Stewf

When the wars ended more arabic speaking

developed with the egyptians culture
Photo by Bradley Wells

And more of the religion from

the neuboring countries developed in egypt
Photo by openDemocracy

What is the most popular food

in Egypt?
Photo by kasio69

In egypt one of the most poular food is

Gibna domiati and it is made out of buffalo milk

In egyptian familys are proud to have the cheese

they keep it stored in a can and they say 

"The longer you keep it for the more better it tastes"

What is Egypt's national language?

Photo by Doctor Yuri

Egypt natinal language is

Photo by khedmati

They have adapted the language by

nearby countries in the middle east  
Photo by miskan