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Either Ether or Aether

Published on Nov 21, 2015

Brief History of the progression of understanding the aether / ether


Either Ether or Aether

Presentation by Jack Pyke

Greek Mythological History

  • "of the Highest or Superior Heaven" (1) - Heisiod (c. 700 B.C. (2))
  • Element of the realm of the gods, defined as "the clear upper air of the sky" (3)
  • Supernatural, invisible, and immatereal
  • Not easily falsifiable

Fifth Element

  • Viewed as a type of air by Plato (4)
  • Added to the list of the classical elements by Aristotle c. 350 B.C. (5)
  • Supported by "the principle that nature abhorred a vacuum or nothingness" (1)
  • "Proof" was that alternative was unreasonable

Greek Authority

  • Aether, said to be ubiquitous and non-material by Plotinus (3rd century)(1)
  • "The raw essence of the Universe" (6)
  • Argument from Greek Authority
  • Horizontal consistency
Photo by cliff1066™

Luminiferous Aether

  • "Mechanical, jelly-like (Aether)" (1)
  • Reconciled Isaac Newton's mechanics (physics) and James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic (light wave) theory (1)
  • Light, if existing in a wave form, would need a medium, otherwise would "die" in vacuum of space (1)
Photo by djwtwo

Failure to Discover

  • Michelson-Morley experiment (1887)
  • Looked for differing relative velocities due to the presence of luminiferous aether creating aether drag(7)
  • Evidence did not support aether, though results interpreted as aether "crushing" the light
  • Experiment gave aether theory falsifiability
Photo by pmfreebern

Albert Einstein

  • Theory of special relativity gave a reasonable alternative soltion
  • Space believed to contain fields that, though "devoid of ordinary matter" (1), are capable of acting as a medium for light

Possible Fields

  • Electromagnetic
  • Gravitational
  • Supermassive
  • Quantum
  • Zero-point
  • "The Dark Energy of the missing Higgs particles" (1)
Photo by Claudio.Ar

Current Complaints

  • "null hypothesis with the null result obtained by the Michelson-Morley experiment, and its extrapolation that free cosmic space is vacuum" (8)
  • “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” - Carl Sagan as quoted in citation 8
Photo by gainesp2003

Possible Aether Alternatives

  • Michelson-Morley experiment operated from "the assumption that luminiferous aether is a static medium" (8)
  • What if there was "vortical motion of luminiferous aether" (8)
  • Is it worth it to even investigate if our current theory is useable for space travel?
Photo by Lollie-Pop

Modern Alternatives

  • Aetherometry - Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa, 1999 (1)
  • Model of an imponderable dynamic Aether (1)
  • Dynamic - "null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment, the lack of Aether drag, (is accepted and then explained) by the properties of a massless or massfree Aether" (1)
Photo by Cliff_Baise

The Issue is Vacuums

  • Aether was first brought into being by the notion "that nature abhorred a vacuum or nothingness" (1)
  • It is now hanging on by a thread of that same logic
  • “... space without ether is unthinkable;” - Albert Einstein, on May 5th, 1920 (9)

Its not Aether, but...

  • The Aether theory has been falsified and replaced even though our alternative is not completely understood
  • The truth is out there, we just need to understand it
Photo by Leo Reynolds

The Progression

  • Aether was debated from Aristotle's addition of it to the classical elements (5) until soon after Einstein's findings (1905) (10)
  • Aether in some form was believed by majority until Einstein's theory of special realativity
  • Modern fringes of physics
Photo by mugley