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Elder Abuse & Neglect

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Elder Abuse & Neglect

Photo by Public Places

Quantitative Data
Qualitative Data

What is Elder Abuse?

  • Psychological/Emotional
  • Physical/Sexual
  • Financial/Exploitation

How Serious is it?

Who is at Risk?
Photo by Zanthia

What can we do?

  • Volunteer or start a walking program for seniors.
  • Train Older Adults: How to Stop Senior scams and Fraud.
  • Keep Seniors safe on the Internet.
  • Be a Santa to a Senior...Take them to functions with you.
  • Volunteer to inspect nursing homes for senior resident complaints.
Photo by derPlau

What to do if I see Abuse?

  • Report the abuse in Texas:1-800-252-5400
  • Report suspected abuse in a nursing home or long term care facility.
  • Long Term Care Ombudsman
  • www.ltcombudsman.org
  • Eldercare Locator 1-800-677-1116
Photo by Matt Kowal

Integrity vs. Despair

  • Eric Ericksons Psychosocial Theory
  • Reflection on life
  • Accomplishment or Unsuccessful?

Eradicate Elder Abuse!
Maslow's Hierarchy

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