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Slide Notes

Notes: Eleanor and Park is a book written by Rainbow Rowell. It takes place in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1986/1987. Eleanor and Park meet on the bus one day, when Eleanor has nowhere else to sit. From then on, she sits with Park every day.

Picture: bookish, we play endlessly, CC BY-ND 2.0, https://www.flickr.com/photos/hvisla/16236933714/in/photolist-nQWyDE-omJkAg...
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Published on Nov 29, 2015

Eleanor Douglas is from the book, "Eleanor & Park," written by Rainbow Rowell. This was a school project about a character in our independent reading books, and I chose Eleanor. She is very kind and caring, and this HaikuDeck shows how she would be a great friend through events that happen to her in the story. Enjoy!



by Katie V.
Notes: Eleanor and Park is a book written by Rainbow Rowell. It takes place in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1986/1987. Eleanor and Park meet on the bus one day, when Eleanor has nowhere else to sit. From then on, she sits with Park every day.

Picture: bookish, we play endlessly, CC BY-ND 2.0, https://www.flickr.com/photos/hvisla/16236933714/in/photolist-nQWyDE-omJkAg...

Who Is Eleanor?

  • A 16 year old girl
  • Lives in Nebraska
  • Quirky but very kind
  • Park Sheridan's girlfriend.
- Her home is very tiny for her family of a total of 7 people

- She dresses awkwardly, but likes it

- She has giant curly red hair

- A little standoffish at first, but very kind once you get to know her.

Picture: Merida is All Hair!, Jennie Park mydisneyadventures, CC BY 2.0, https://www.flickr.com/photos/11325321@N08/7228783688/in/photostream/

When Eleanor wakes up one night to Richie yelling at her mom, she gets onto the floor with all the other kids and then comforts them.

Notes: This event makes me want to be her friend because she cares so much about her siblings, unlike some people. If she feels this way about her siblings, she'll probably feel the same about her friends.
Photo by SonOfJordan

One morning, people on her bus start yelling a chant that makes fun of her. These types of events happen pretty often to Eleanor.

Notes: People at school tease and make fun of Eleanor because of her clothes, her weight, and her hair. However, she still continues to dress and look the same despite what everyone says about her. She doesn't care what other people think of her, a that can be a good thing in a friend.
Photo by Mario Spann

One night when Eleanor is asleep, she hears gunshots and then calls the police. Those gunshots were actually just Richie, trying to scare a bunch of teenagers in their backyard.

Notes: Eleanor was just trying to keep her family safe, but in return got yelled at by Richie. The fact that she loves her family so much (other than her dad & Richie) makes me want to be friends with her.
Photo by appleswitch

One night when Eleanor is at Park's house, she mentions that his mom is a hairdresser. Mrs. Sheridan then gives her a huge makeover, even though she doesn't even want one.

Notes: Eleanor really didn't want a makeover, but she let Mrs. Sheridan do one anyway. Because of this event, you can clearly see that Eleanor tries to make people happy by being kind.

SPOILER ALERT! Eleanor has to leave to go live with her aunt and uncle in Minnesota for her own safety. She didn't want to leave, but she had to.

Notes: Eleanor really didn't want to leave her siblings or her mom, but she had to if she wanted to be safe. If she's like this with herself, she'll be concerned with her friend's safety, too.
Photo by 36ViewsGuy

Overall, Eleanor would be a great friend because she is kind. She tries to help everyone she cares about, which is a great value in a friend.

Notes: Based on these events, Eleanor would be an awesome friend, not only because she's kind, but she is also funny, has interests in a lot of different things, and she has a colorful personality.

Picture: my own

Thanks For Watching!

(And read Eleanor and Park!).

Photo by dahveed76