Copper. From the Latin word cyprium. Named after the island of Cyprus.
- It is estimated that copper was discovered around 9000 BC in the
- Middle East.
Number of Protons/Electrons: 29
Number of Neutrons: 35
Atomic Number: 29
Atomic Mass: 63.546 amu
Copper is a solid.
- 63Cu is stable with 34 neutrons
- 65Cu is stable with 36 neutrons
- Cu2+ copper(II)
- Cu+ copper(I)
Copper is a transitional metal.
- It is located in l B
- Period 4
- Copper is located amongst the other transition metals.
- It has the atomic number of 29.
Physical properties
Malleability Capable of being shaped or bent
Ductility Easily pulled or stretched into a thin wire
Conductivity Excellent transmission of heat or electricity
Melting Point: 1083.0 °C (1356.15 K, 1981.4 °F)
Boiling Point: 2567.0 °C (2840.15 K, 4652.6 °F)
Density: 8.933 grams per cubic centimeter
Copper 0.385 S (J/g 0C) 38.5 C (J/0C) for 100 g
Is only slightly magnetic. Not magnetic enough to interact with regular magnets. Electronegativity is 1.90 in Pauling units. Atomic size is 128pm. Electron affinity is 118.4 kJ/mol. Metallic
Chemical properties
Copper does not react with oxygen. It reacts with water though. Copper will melt, but it won't burn to well. Since it's a metal it's flammability is near zero
Copper is not soluble in water
Oxidation States: +2, +1
Electron shell configuration:
2s2 2p6
3s2 3p6 3d10
- Coins
- Wire
- Jewelry
- Water pipes
- Alloys
Large amounts of copper ore deposits are found in the U.S., Chile, Zambia, Zaire, Peru, and Canada. Found in soil, rocks, and at the bottom of ocean.Copper ore is mined. Then copper is extracted from the ore. Damages the environment
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- Color Reddish-Brown metal
- Luster Has a shine or glow
- Crystal Structure: Cubic