Elisabeth Bessie Coleman

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Elisabeth Bessie Coleman

By: janiece Lambert

On January 1892 on the 26 i Elizabeth Bessie Coleman was born I was born in Atlanta Texas u.s. My mother is Susan Coleman and my father is gorge Coleman. In 1904 when I was 12 I began attending the misstoneary Baptist church. After I graduate I was ready to embark on a new by attending Oklahoma colored agricultural. This is not what I wanted to do but at the time it was a great school and I was only allowed the attend certain Schools because of my skin color.

Photo by Sergio Ruiz

Start of career
In 1915 I was 23 years old. When I moved to Chicago where I lived with my brothers, I worked as a Manicurist not long after i began listening and reading about World War 1 pilots this sparked my interest in becoming a pilot. Becoming a pilot I had to over come tons of things but I made it. In 1917 not long after I moved to Chicago I married Claude Glenn but I never publicly acknowledged the marriage we soon broke up and separated one year after the married.

I Bessie Coleman have a ton of accomplishments. One accomplishment I am really proud of is that I moved to France and I taught myself how to speak French. I also got my degree in flying and I was know as the queen of skies. Even now I wanted to start my own flying school for the colored. I got my dream job at being a stunt flyer I fly for a living and I am really proud

I Bessie Coleman have a ton of accomplishments. One accomplishment I am really proud of is that I moved to France and I taught myself how to speak French. I also got my degree in flying and I was know as the queen of skies. Even now I wanted to start my own flying school for the colored. I got my dream job at being a stunt flyer I fly for a living and I am really proud

Photo by indah nur

In 1926 I Bessie Coleman was know as the queen of the skies. I was allowed into performing At the areal show. I was practicing Someone pushed me (we do not know who pushed me) which made me fall to my death. I was know as the queen of the skies.

Photo by mrlins

Devon Cromley

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