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Elizabethan England

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Photo by Pete Reed

In 1574, Parliament of England passed the Statutes of Apparel which were laws that decided what type of clothing a person wore. Clothes with gold were worn only by the Queen and her relations. The fabulously wealthy could afford velvet, satin, silk and popularly:lll clothes trimmed with animal furs like fox and otter. The not-so-fortunate wore clothes made of cotton, leather and wool.

Photo by lialakaren

A famous article of clothing from the Elizabethan Era was the ruff. It was circular and it was composed of pleated frill. It was worn by both genders.

Photo by Martin Beek

Both the rich and the poor had imbalanced diets. They lacked fruit and vegetables which would sometimes result in scurvy. Since water wasn't good enough to drink back in the Elizabethan Era, everyone drank wine and ale. Their diets were composed of bread, fish, cheese as well as meats like lamb, beef, rabbit, pork, etc.

Photo by Pulpolux !!!

Elizabethan houses featured vertical and diagonal timbers, high chimneys, pillared porches, thatched roofs and leaded/glass windows. Middle or lower classes had thatched roofs, which is made of straw or reeds. The roof was the only place for animals to get warm so when it rained, the roof became slippery and animals would fall off. That's where the saying "It's raining cats and dogs." originated from.

Some festivals that the Elizabethans looked forward to were religious festivals such as the visit of the Wise Men in January. In May, they had a summer festival celebrating May Day and villagers dance around maypoles.

In November, Elizabethans celebrated The Day of the Dead which is also known as All Souls's Day or All Hallow's Day (which is where we get Halloween). They held many parties and bonfires were common to see. In December, they celebrated Christmas with feasts.