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Published on Nov 24, 2016

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What does "CC" mean?

  • Carbon copy
  • Gives you the ability to add people to an email and it is visible to others that they have been added
  • For example you could send an email to Kelly and Bob. Bob would see that Kelly got the email too and Kelly would see that Bob got the email as well.

Good times to use carbon copies:

  • Giving information to a large group of people. ex: helpful for a group messages or planning a team meeting
Photo by bindermichi

When not to use Carbon Copies

  • Sending out items of praise and including the whole class on the list. They either feel really bad about themselves or don't feel special when they finally get their shoutout.
Photo by deepwarren

What does "BCC" mean?

  • Blind Carbon Copy
  • Gives you the ability to send someone an email without them knowing who all it has been sent to.
  • For example, you could send an email to Bob and Kelly but Kelly would not know Bob got the email and Bob would not know Kelly got the email.

Good times to use blind carbon copies

  • If you have to send out an anonymous survey and don't want everyone to know who all it was sent to
  • When you want people to think you personalized an email just for them, but you're actually sending it to a large group of people
Photo by @superamit

When not to use Blind Carbon Copies

  • If you're wanting people to be included in a work message as a wake up call to the company but the person it was sent to doesn't know it was sent to everyone and feel like it's a personal attack and that they are the only one doing a bad job
Photo by Eric Willis

Reply all, when is it useful?

  • When keeping a group of people in the loop ex: what you're bringing to the christmas potluck so it doesn't get brought twice
Photo by mugwumpian

Reply all, when is it not useful?

  • Keeping someone stuck in an email chain that doesn't pertain to them.
Photo by sergiosantos9

Forward, when to use it?

  • To send a message that you have received to another person.
  • This can be helpful when you don't want the person who sent you the email to know that it was passed on.
  • Also can be used if you were sent a funny email and you wanted to pass on the joke.