O God, we confess our alienation:
from You, from ourselves, from one another,
and from Your good creation.
Too often, we wander in the wilderness of despair.
Too often, selfishness and greed consume our hearts.
Too often, we cannot resist
the seductions of power and prestige.
And with hearts so heavily burdened
by estrangement and sin,
we find it difficult to love as you have taught us.
Forgive us and free us, O God,
to risk loving recklessly and without fear.
Gracious God,
we do not live by bread alone,
but by every word
that comes from your mouth.
Make us hungry
for this heavenly food,
that it may nourish us today
in the ways of eternal life;
through Jesus Christ,
the bread of heaven.
Eternal God,
we give you thanks
for this holy mystery in which
you have given yourself to us.
Grant that we may go
into the world
strengthened to give
ourselves for others.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,