According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, the unconscious mind can process over 20 million bits of information per second, while the conscious mind can only process about 40 bits of information per second.
That is over 500,000 times more processing power in any given moment!
We inherit it from our ancestors through our epigenetics. In short, the emotional layer of our DNA.
This goes back 7 generations on each side.
In a recent study in caterpillars, they placed an epigenetic marker in a pairing and found that this marker passed on for 14 generations from the original 2 parents.
Because of how and why it is conditioned or patterned.
We inherit these tendencies, and they become solidified into realities, generally between the ages of 4-9, when EVERYTHING is about us, and we form lasting beliefs about ourselves.
It means that with the sheer processing power of the unconscious mind, it has the ability to find the perfect relationships, jobs, situations, and timing to place us in exactly the right place at the right time to confirm those beliefs.
It is on constant lookout for evidence to support those beliefs/patterns to be true
By finding evidence to confirm our unconscious beliefs, it reaffirms our sense of Self established through those beliefs
When they are formed, everything is about "us" and we have what I call "forever thinking", therefore the beliefs we form are true "forever" (or at least until we begin to question them as adults).
It becomes the driving force behind our behaviors and decision making.
We expend lots of energy trying to tame it or keep it at bay, often leaving us with just enough energy to get through the day, or with consistent tension in our body.
Unless the core unconscious conditioning is brought to the light of conscious awareness it will continue to direct our choices and sabotage our attempts at lasting change.
When we bring it to our conscious awareness and neutralize the emotional charge, it can no longer drive us, we own it, and it fades into the background.
We become the ones in charge of our lives instead of our lives being in charge of us, dictating our emotions, attitudes, behaviors and the overall quality of our experiences.
Clients have reported feeling chronic tension leave their body, calm and centered in the midst of apparent chaos, a renewed sense of purpose and direction, clarity, confidence, and energy.