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Emperor Hadrian

Published on Nov 20, 2015

Emperor Hadrian presentation.


Emperor Hadrian

By Sophie Quick
Photo by thisisbossi

Did you know:
Hadrian's real name was Publius Aelius Hadrianus?

Photo by Werner Kunz

Hadrian was born on January 26, A.D 76.

Photo by Bob Jagendorf

Sadly, Hadrian's father died ten years later, A.D 86.

Trajan, the emperor at the time, decided to make a military career for Hadrian at a young age.

Photo by Daniel Y. Go

But, Hadrian had different thoughts. He wanted to be a judge for court.

But not the emperor. Shortly afterwards, he succeeded as a military officer.

Photo by rikdom

Hadrian became a favorite of the Emperor because he carried a message for him.

Photo by englishsnow

In A.D 100, Hadrian married Matidia Augusta.

Photo by Kamal Zharif

Soon after came the first Dacian war. Trajan, the emperor, turned his attention to Dacia. He wanted it to become a part of Rome.

Photo by mharrsch

Later came the second Dacian war. Hadrian became leader of the First Legion.

Photo by mharrsch

As you can probably imagine, Hadrian was of high status during Trajan's rule.

Photo by Enokson

But, Trajan died August 8th, A.D 117.

Did you know:
Trajan was cremated!

Photo by kevin dooley

After Trajan died, Hadrian was made emperor.

Photo by xjyxjy

Rumor had that Trajan adopted Hadrian before he died.

Photo by tgifreytag

Hadrian, following tradition, receded his lands to one side of the Euphrates River.

Photo by SergioTudela

Hadrian was a strong ruler. He enforced boundary strength and tightened army discipline.

Hadrian had a welfare project for the poor.

Photo by woody1778a

Hadrian constructed a big wall named after himself, Hadrian's wall.

This wall was built to keep invaders like the Celts out and let other cities that wanted to expand and take over know Rome's boundaries.

Photo by dandooo

Hadrian visited Athens, and was very interested in Greeks learning and sophistication.

His trips to Greece resulted in him being dubbed 'Greekling.'

Photo by Tolka Rover

Hadrian executed his architect, Apollodormus of Damascus because he made fun of a temple he created. Remember, never make fun of anything that belongs to a very powerful person!

Photo by Kaveh H.

Hadrian's friend Antinous died and Hadrian founded Antinoopolis after him.

Photo by Bert Kaufmann

Hadrian decided to rebuild Jerusalem. This did not work out so well.

Photo by usaid.d800

Why? Because Hadrian thought that the Jews would stand by quietly while he annihilated their most holy place. The Jews revolted.

Photo by betta design

Then, at 60 years old, Hadrian's health began to fail. So he adopted Lucius Ceionius Commodus for the next ruler.

Photo by isawnyu

Did you know:
Commodus associated himself with Hercules. Also, there is a black field cricket, the Teleogryllus Commodus, named after him.

But Commodus died January 1, A.D 138.

Photo by cobblucas

A month or so after Commodus' death, Hadrian adopted Antoninus Pius, a respected senator, on the rule that Antoninus, who didn't have any kids, would adopt Hadrian's nephew, Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus (the son of Commodus) as heirs.

Photo by .nate

Hadrian was very ill, and wanted to commit suicide by either blade or poison.

Photo by ˙Cаvin 〄

Hadrian left government in the hands of Antoninus Pius, and retired, dying soon afterwards.

Photo by ~suchitra~

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Photo by Vvillamon