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Employability Skills Assignment

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Employability Skills Assignment

Elizabeth Vieyra
Photo by ajagendorf25

What Employers Expect from their Employees?

  • Be on time
  • Work hard
  • Work well with their coworkers
Photo by TalentEgg

Top 5 Employability Skills

  • Communication skills
  • Team work
  • Planning
  • Time managment
  • Professional qualificatioin

Its important to have theses skills because it will help you with your job and make it easier for you and your coworkers.

Top 5 Reasons Why People Get Fired

  • Dishonesty
  • Performance inconsistency
  • Inability to work as a team
  • Misuse of the company's resources
  • Late or absent
Photo by lipjin

Personal Goals

Photo by harold.lloyd

Top 3 Goals

  • Graduate high school
  • A job that supports me well
  • Start/apply for colleges
Photo by creepyed

5 Things to Achieve My Goals

  • Get decent grades
  • Have the skills needed to get a job
  • Work hard
  • Improve on my employability skills
  • Enhance my sewing skills.
Photo by Wonderlane

Hopefully, go to college to be a Fashion Designer or a magazine journalist.

Photo by Swamibu

Career Goal List

  • Bachelor degree
  • Major in Fashion design
  • Build a portflio
  • Take a business class
  • Improve my sewing & sketching skills