Empower Students by Teaching them to Take Control of their Learning
Starr Sackstein
What do you notice about what's going on in these spaces?
What questions do you have about how to make spaces like this happen?
What if we allowed students to be in charge of it all?
First we need to set the stage - what are you doing right now that invites student empowerment?
How can we use tech to facilitate student centered learning?
Things to consider
- tech or no tech
- platform
- age and ability of students
- engaging and empowerment of students through choice and voice
- knowing student expertise to capitalize on
Where can teachers cut back?
- Empower peer to peer collaboration and feedback
- lesson planning should be done together where possible
- Encourage student involvement in project development
- Meet students where they are, in and out of school
- Make continuous adjustments based on what you see
Communicate using Social Media like Twitter
How does student empowerment translate to assessment?
Facilitate learning
- teach students to recognize learning happens everywhere, all the time
- employ applications students use for fun as a part of the learning
- Where can you do this more in your classrooms/schools?
- Open up dialogues about mastery and get students involved in the learning conversation
Where can you do this more in your classrooms/schools?
Connect with me
Starr Sackstein