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Published on Apr 05, 2016

Curriculum Planning around Enduring Understandings. A quick guide with some examples.




Lifeworthy learning

Photo by rsmithing

Enduring understanding

What is it?
Photo by G@!

A way of answering the question of what overall concepts we want students to understand

Photo by Rusty Russ

Statements summarising important ideas and core processes central to a discipline having lasting value beyond school

They synthesise what students should understand, not just know or do, as a result of learning in a content area

Photo by dtomaloff

Highlight what students should revisit over the course of their lifetimes

Help to make sense of big ideas in content areas

Photo by nhuisman

May be transferable into other areas

Clarify areas of the curriculum where students may struggle to gain understanding

Photo by martinak15

Clarify any misconceptions that could arise in a content area

Photo by Nick Kenrick.

They are declarative statements about the subject

Photo by domit

Literature allows us to see how others view the world.

Photo by peripathetic

Understanding language conventions helps us to communicate more effectively.

Probability can be used to make decisions, predictions, or choices.

Photo by trindade.joao

Conflict and cooperation shape and transform societies and cultures.

Photo by Sam Ilić

There are observable, predictable patterns of movement in the Sun and Earth systems that account for day and night

Photo by FlyingSinger

Great artists often break with established traditions, conventions and techniques to better express what they see and feel. A confident free society willingly tolerates the turmoil that unorthodox art may cause.

The topography, climate, and natural resources of a region influence the culture, economy and lifestyle of its inhabitants.

Correlation does not mean or ensure causality.

Key focus areas

when writing enduring understandings
Photo by Michael Dales


  • concepts
  • themes
  • issues/debates/problems
  • theories/paradoxes/challenges
  • assumptions/misunderstandings
Photo by rcourtie

What enduring understandings are

Photo by bebouchard

skills related

Photo by Mediocre2010

Not about what a student can do e.g 'Be able to write a text response essay.'

Photo by _ambrown


They should lead to an opening of ideas. Not an answer.
Photo by bmills

It should not have a right or wrong answer e.g. Does war help us to solve political problems?

Photo by Nrbelex


Photo by *Tom*

Questions to be answered

They are provocations to be explored. ....
Photo by Derek Bridges

Not too specific e.g. Understanding interest rates helps us to organise our mortgages.

Photo by 401(K) 2013

over to you......

Photo by Jiuck

Try to create an enduring understanding statement for a unit you are currently teaching or would be teaching soon.

Photo by sciencesque


Look at each other's ideas and leave feedback to help further develop understanding.
Photo by Nanagyei