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Engineering Inquiry vocabulary

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Flotation Device (noun):
a piece of equipment designed to keep something afloat in water.

Photo by druid labs

Afloat (adjective):
Floating on water

Buoyant (adjective):
Able to float

Photo by Stat Girl

Density (noun):
1. The amount of something in a space
2. The amount of matter in something in regards to its weight and size
3. Having parts close together

Matter (noun):
The thing that forms physical objects and occupies space

Engineer (noun):
A person who designs and builds complicated products, machines, or structures

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Engineer (verb):
To plan, build, or manage something by using scientific methods

Challenge (noun):
A difficult task or something hard to do

Criteria (noun):
Something used as a reason for making a decision

Photo by ccPixs.com

Constraints (noun):
Something that limits or restricts someone or something

Photo by H is for Home

Design (verb):
To plan and make decisions about something being built

Brainstorm (verb):
To try to solve a problem by talking with other people; to discuss a problem and suggest solutions

Photo by maltman23

Construction (noun):
The process of building something

Photo by BozDoz

Sketching (verb):
A quick drawing that shows the main focus of your decision

Photo by Webb Zahn

Labeling (noun):
A word to identify items in your sketch

Photo by eightprime

Adhere (verb):
Stick to the plan and follow directions

Photo by ccPixs.com

Conduct (verb):
To plan and do something

Photo by fsse8info

Reflect (verb):
To think carefully about something

Photo by Scott*

Improvement (noun):
The process to make something better

Photo by practicalowl