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Photo by gacabo


  • Dear Peter Pan, It's so cold here and all I feel is the cold icy air down my back. Anne is being super nice and is giving me these photos to put up in my room. I'm not a big fan of them but I'm happy that she is being nice to the family and I. I under stand your my fake friend that flys to my wind every night but I wish I was you right now. Anyway Anne is telling me to move the table so it would be more comfy for me it's pretty much the most comfiest thing I have slope in so I'm not mad, well I better get going maybe I will see you tonigh
Photo by Jagrap


  • In this peace of work I wrote about Peter one of the boys in Anne Frank's dairy. I wrote a peace of work based on him and how he felt. In Anne Frank's diary she wrote to a fake friend so I did the same thing for Peter and wrote to Peter Pan. I enjoyed this peace of because I like to write diaries
Photo by Jagrap


  • A dairy is a book that you write to your self to read when bored. It also can in prove your spelling and reading/ writing.
Photo by Jagrap


  • Dear friends and family,
  • We just got of the bus and I'm trying to find my bag. When I found it we had to walk over to the fake grass and sat down. After the teachers stopped talking I played soccer with my friends but I'm starting to think it was a bad idea because I ended up hitting my toe on the hard floor. It made my toe fat like a potato. I ended up getting an ice pack on it every night so it would go down. I remembering having to wait to be told our cabins and when we did find out I was a bit upset not because of the people just because I didn't get any one like last year. I ended up moving to a cabin with Alisha, Emma, Noor and Hayley. I was super happy because they are really nice and good friends.after all the unpacking it was time for our activities our first one was high tropes and it was so much fun you felt like a bird tired down in the air. After we moved on to food then the leap of faith it was next to height ropes and was the best. Then at night we had a beautiful night walk and then went to bed (most of us) anyway that's all for now well good night....


  • In this peace of work I wrote a journal to my friends and family about camp. I enjoyed this because I got to wire how I felt about camp.


  • In this work I wrote/ did a journal on camp. A journal is a book that you write to people.


  • Vhinayark is a new student to Alamanda College. He has a lot of awards with his spelling and maths.Vhinayark came 6th and 3rd at spell it right in 2014 and 2015. Also in 2013 and got two bronze melts for kangaroo maths.
  • Vhinayark is loved by his mother Prasanna Kumari and his father Gunasingam Veerasingam. And his younger brother Sudeysh Gunasingam.
  • Vhinayark's hobbies are reading, building Lego and he used to collect stamps.
  • Teacher qoute: Vhinayark is a risk taker in every class by putting up his hand in class and always puts in effort.
Photo by herzogbr


  • In this task we had to write about a person from our class picked from our teacher. I got Vhinayark and yeah we don't hang out I got to talk to some one new from my class. I liked this because I got to meet new people .
Photo by herzogbr


  • A biography is when you write some ones story and stuff about them.
Photo by herzogbr