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Enrichment Support

Published on Dec 02, 2015

This presentation details ways in which the Enrichment Support program at IASD's elementary schools transformed this year.


Enrichment Support

Photo by Nick Sherman

Enrichment Support transformed in several ways this year:

Photo by fdecomite

Now, in addition to a thriving pull-out program,

there is greater emphasis on Enrichment Support

Photo by Hindrik S

within the general education classroom.

This push-in initiative enables increased collaboration

Photo by Holtsman

between enrichment support teachers, coaches, and general education classroom teachers.

Photo by @Doug88888

A more flexible schedule for the Enrichment Support teachers

Photo by Kaba

allows for more lesson development, resource gathering, school-wide activity planning, and co-teaching.

Increased use of technology,
with an emphasis on iReady and Google Apps, such as

Photo by zoinno

Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Forms, WeVideo, and Blogger,

inspires more creativity, engagement, and motivation in our students.

Photo by opensourceway

Friday field trips, instead of Day 5 field trips,

Photo by Wonderlane

ensure GIEP students aren't missing the same special class repeatedly.

Photo by rosipaw

Pull-out during the academic support time, instead of during core academic subjects,

ensures that students are not missing core content instruction.

Photo by Minibe09

Holding GIEP meetings for 5th graders during the first weeks of school

Photo by clagnut

ensures that the GIEP accurately reflects how each student's education will be individualized.

Photo by MikeVC

While some things have changed,

Photo by Ian Sane

some things have not:

Photo by shoebappa

Mrs. Sorce teaches at Eisenhower and Ben Franklin.

Photo by @YannGarPhoto

Mrs. Woods teaches at Horace Mann and East Pike.

Mrs. Sorce teaches Enrichment Support and 4th Grade math to accelerated students, while Mrs. Woods teaches Enrichment Support.

Photo by Pilottage

An emphasis on robotics, coding,

Photo by KOMUnews

researching, writing, and reading in individual Lexile Ranges

Photo by srgpicker

continues to be a hallmark of the Enrichment Support pull-out program.

Photo by WarzauWynn

Enrichment Support in each elementary school building is unique.

Photo by familymwr

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Photo by tarop