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Entertainment in the Middle Ages

Published on May 16, 2016

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Entertainment in the Middle Ages

By, Calista Winters
Photo by vgm8383

Research Question:
Was entertainment in the Middle Ages used to base off of our sports now?

Photo by Rocco Lucia

Answer: Yes.
Medieval entertainment was used to base off many things we do for entertainment today.

Comparison: There are more sports now than in the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages we did have different types of sports, but they are ultimately the same.

Photo by marcp_dmoz

Medieval entertainment was the basis of our entertainment/sports.

Besides Sundays, about 8 weeks in every year were free from work. Festivities at Christmas, Easter, and May Day stopped the daily round of labor.

The Entertainers
Jesters (a fool or bafoon), Mummers (re-enacted religious plays), acrobats, jugglers, and conjurers.

Types of Games
Card games, sporting games, dice games, and children's games. Examples: Alquerques- a classic strategy game (ancestor of chess) Knucklebones- An early game of dice.

Outdoor Entertainment

  • Archery
  • Colf-(ancestor of golf)
  • Skittles-(ancestor of bowling)
  • Gameball-(a simple football game)
  • Horse shoes
Photo by a4gpa

Ring Around the Rosie
Symptom: a rosy red rash in the shape of a ring on the skin. People would carry around pockets filled with posies or herbs because of the belief that the disease was transmitted by bad smells. The term "Ashes, Ashes" means "Achoo, Achoo" which refers to the disease being transmitted by sneezes. "We all fall down" is when people fall down when they die.

Photo by adwriter

Up next is a Kahoot!

References: Unknown, nd, Medieval games and Recreation,

(Continued), Alchin, L, nd, Medieval Entertainment

(Continued), Alchin, L, nd, Entertainment in the Middle Ages