Founded in 1967 by a small group of scientists who were aiming to ban a deadly pesticide (DDT) that was used to kill of mosquitoes in the mid 1960's
The group of scientists advocated against the pesticide use because it was actually killing off birds and crustaceans and could possibly impact the lives of people who were consuming the food that was sprayed with the pesticides
There are many people in the public who could be POTENTIAL GROUP members because they do support EDF, but aren't actual members. (Like us!)
Everyone who is a part of EDF, along with financial contributors and scientists, are part of the ACTUAL GROUP
EDF is a big supporter of COLLECTIVE GOODS because it supports things like clean water and air, safe chemicals and pesticides, and healthy wildlife and humans.
It is easy to identify FREE RIDERS of EDF because they do not give rewards or special benefits to its contributors or members in general-- but they are fighting for the greater good of everyone.