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Environmental Racism

Published on Feb 22, 2016

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Jim Crow

The systematic practice of discriminating against and segregating black people

de jure segregation

the legal separation of groups in society

de facto segregation

racial segregation that happens "by fact" rather than by law


refuse (a loan or insurance) to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk.


the practice of persuading owners to sell property cheaply because of the fear of people of another race or class moving into the neighborhood

white flight

the move of white city-dwellers to the suburbs to escape the influx of minorities.

structural racism

the blind interaction between institutions, policies, and practices that inevitably perpetuates barriers to opportunities and racial disparities

1968 Fair Housing Act

prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin

predatory lending

any lending practice that imposes unfair or abusive loan terms on a borrower

Federal Housing Administration

provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders