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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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A novel written by Ursula Poznanski

Nick Dunmore

  • His classmates are acting strangely.
  • His basketball teammates keep missing practice.
  • A lot of students are staying home sick or look like they have been up all night.
Photo by Camil Tulcan

what could possibly be making this game so unique that kids are willing to stay home to play it?

Photo by Camil Tulcan

The game has weird rules. Always play alone. “Never mention your real name in the game. Never mention the name of your character outside the game.” Never speak about the content of the game to other players or post information on the internet. Don’t copy the DVD unless instructed. The strangest rule of all, is that players only have one chance to play and if they die or break any of the rules, it’s over and they cannot play again.

Photo by @Doug88888

Some May Never Know What It's Like To Play The Game.

Photo by lultra☢

It isn't easy to get a copy of the game, only one who is instructed to do so can make a copy. Then are able to share it with others.

Photo by Hamed Saber

Some say all one needs to get a copy, is being in the right place at the right time and just a bit of luck.


  • Mood: Gloomy
  • Setting: Germany, Suburban City unknown
  • Snowy, Cold, Highschool area/School district.
  • It was a little over half way in the book when Nick refuses a task from the head NPC, “killing” his character and expelling him from the game. He decides to seek help from some people who are fighting the game, people who have played it and “died,” and are now looking for answers about it. With the help of those people, along with his love interest, Emily, Nick sets out to find out the truth behind the game, and what it really wanted to accomplish.
Photo by 55Laney69

Inciting incident

  • The game is out in the school and students are doing there best to get their hands on it ASAP.. This is the most popular thing out right now and is growing by the minute.
Photo by powazny


  • Nick and everyone have began playing the game and are on their way to completion of the story line. Everyone knows about the game and what it's about leaving everyone skipping class and playing "hickey" to stay home and play the game. It might have something to do with the tasks in game that link to you having to do things in your everyday lives in order to complete them.

Nick Dunmore

  • Age: 16
  • Personality: Strives to stay up to date with the gossip, Vast curiosity for others around him.
Photo by Luringa

Falling action/ending

  • The game has began taking over the lives of students and the parents are getting involved. The tasks are getting harder in game and becoming the main goal of these kids. When one loses in the game, one will lose in real lifetime.
Photo by Spirit-Fire


  • I enjoyed this book because it featured many different occasions of foreshadowing and suspense. Erebos has a dark mood and puts the reader on the edge of their seat throughout the book. This book did not feature many different characters but what it lacked in characters it made up for in a exciting story line.
  • Being a young reader myself I lack skills in identifying literary terms and other reading techniques. Erebos made it very easy for me to understand the terms being used and I was able to make connections to the story line.
Photo by ffrg0


  • Erebos brought a theme to the book that allows one to realize that the decisions we make in our everyday lives affect the little things as well.
  • Erebos had many occasions where the protaganist or the antaganist made a mistake and paid the price for it. Since the tasks in the game "Erebos" linked to their everyday lives, they had to be completed carefully or they would face sevire consequences.
Photo by repolona