The ESI Act (Employee’s state insurance) passed in 1948, Ammended in 1975,84,89 and in 2010 is an important measure of social security and health insurance in this country.
It provides for certain cash and Medical benefits to industrial employees in case of sickness,Maternity and employment injury.
The act extend to the whole country. The ESI Act covered all power…
The administration of the ESI scheme under the act is entrusted to an autonomous body called the ESI Corporation
The union Minister for labour is the chairman and secretary to the government of India, Ministry of labour is the voice chairman of this Corporation
It consists of members representing central and state government employers and employees organisations medical profession and Parliament
There is a standing committee, constituted from the member of the corporation which acts as an executive body for the administration of the scheme
The chief exec to officer of the corporation is the director general who is assisted by four principal officers number one insurance Commissioner number to medical commissioner number three financial commissioner and actuary.
There is the medical benefit Council which is headed by the director general of police services government of India who is assisted assisted by the medical commissioner in all matters relating to medical relief
Besides the head office in New Delhi the corporation has 23 regional offices 26 subregional offices at 2 divisional offices and 624 branches.
Given the huge number of beneficiaries the corporation has set up a widespread network of service outlets for prompt delivery of benefit in cash and full medical care.
It covers 185 lake family units of 165 lakh employees
In areas he knew concentration of thousand or more employs family units cells dispensaries or established with full time medical and paramedical person personal.
In areas where the employees or less than 750 part time ESI dispensaries are established.
If the residential Concentration of employees is scattered over a long distance mobile dispensaries are established.