e - "picture"
tegami - "message"
Your painting needs to come from your heart.
Clumsy is good. The only perfect thing is love.
Pencils are illegal! No planning! No practice drawings! Just draw what is in front of you in the moment.
Use nature as a guide. Do not copy others. Observe and study natural objects well before you start painting.
Hold your brush lightly close to the top.
Sit up straight. Just move your arm at the elbow. Relax your fingers, arm and shoulders.
Before you start, practice making lines and blots on scratch paper. The wobbly lines show that you are alive: beating heart, pulsing blood, muscles ready, eyes aware
Choose your subject!
Pick something common. Start with simple shapes (like fruit!)
Make the Outline
Look closely at your subject. Draw slowly as you can. Keep your line as thin as possible.
Add Color
Tap the color in between the lines. Don't try to blend. Keep it simple.
Add Words
Make them easy to read. Block letters, spelled correctly.
Carve a chop out of an eraser.