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Ethan Allen:

Published on Dec 03, 2015

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By Jason Luty, Jordan Emery, Melanie Funnye, Rachel Montesi, and Casey Farrell
Photo by CircaSassy


  • Born in Litchfield, Ct in 1738
  • Was one of 8 children, very poor, very limited education
  • Had natural intelligence, wanted to prove himself worthy of attention from superior intellectuals
  • Always wanted to learn more, was never afraid of backlash from his opinions
  • Always wanted to bring about issues concerning the oppressed

Early Life Ctd

  • Father wanted him to go to Yale, but his death caused Allen to take over family landholdings
  • went to New Hampshire Grants (Vermont) as a part of the Litchfield County militia during the seven years war
Photo by Kay Gaensler

Life in Vermont, New York

  • Acquired land in the area, became commander of Green Mountain Boys (militia designed to protect New Hampshire Grants)
  • Easily captured Fort Ticonderoga, Crown Point with Benedict Arnold in 1775
  • Captured later that year in attempt to seize Montreal
  • taken prisoner of war, suffered cruel treatment for many years
  • Vermont eventually gained independence, unable to join U.S due to ownerships claims from New York, New England
Photo by Rob Shenk

Post-War Printing

  • was known as a deist, philosopher, and revolutionary
  • was known to "rip old testaments and ridicule the new ones"
  • attempted to publish his work based on the subject of how religion is treated in america
  • gave a printer in Hartford rights to print it, but didn't have the courage (feared public outcry)
  • eventually printed by Mr. Haswell of Bennington, Vt in 1784
Photo by Hc_07


  • Parts of the publication were consumed by a fire
  • Fearing judgement from God, Mr. Haswell set remaining parts of publication on fire, joined Methodist connection
  • Very few copies were circulated
  • Died of apoplexy in 1789


  • Evidently free-spirited, an independent thinker
  • Wanted to assist in foundation of American religious principles (deism)
  • Balancing logic (scientific reasoning) and religion in a new nation during the rationalist era


Photo by pdbreen