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Ethos Pathos & Logos

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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This is ethos because obviously anyone would buy shampoo that Marilyn Monroe used.

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It's ethos because Taylor swift is a huge icon and is telling people to drink milk so they will do it because they want to be like her.

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This is ethos because she is famous and people love her especially anyone who watched friends.

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This is pathos because it's using the adorable German Shepard to grab at your heart.

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This is pathos because it's a hurt child and any one who cares would feel sympathetic to this picture of the little hacain child.

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It's pathos because the dog looks so sad as he looks back to you trying to get you to help him. It's also pathos because being abused is very sad and brings out emotions in a lot of people

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I chose this for logos because it's fact based and very true.

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This looks very much like pathos but I choose it for logos because it's a fact and people need to slow down.

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