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Published on Nov 18, 2015




Photo by kevin dooley

darwin's constributaion

Darwin is known for establishing the theory of organic evolution by natural selection.

who is charles darwin?

Charles Darwin was a scientist born in England on February 12,1809. He created the theory of organic evolution and grew up in a time when the scientific view of the natural world was shifting.

what is darwin given credit for?

Darwin created the theory of evolution.

what're details of the hms beagles voyage

The beagles voyage was a ship of scientists that studied many islands and lasted around five years. This is where Charles Darwin found many fossils and evidence of past life and evolution.

what're three observations from the voyage

On this voyage Charles Darwin made many observations he realized and observed that over times species can gradually change, and that species vary locally, also that species vary globally.

what's the process of natural selection

Natural Selection is the process in which living things traits help them adapt in their environment and the living things survive by the survival of the fittest and adapting in their environment.

evidence of evolution

there are many different pieces of evidence of evolution but some are fossils, common ancestors, the age of earth, and also homologous structures.

ENVIRONMENTAL effects on species over time

some environmental effects on species over time are like the types of food they eat, or after many years of reproducing certain traits of living things can change.

explanations of the different types of selections

directional selection is when individuals at one end of the curve have higher fitness than individuals in the middle or at the other end shifts because some individuals are more successful a surviving and reproducing than others are when individuals of the center of the curve have higher fitness than individuals at either end is stabilizing selection. when individuals at the outer ends of the curve have higher fitness than individuals near the middle of the curve is disruptive selection.

scientists who also helped Darwin's discoveries

hutton and Lyell showed Darwin that the earth was old and enough time had past for natural selection to have shaped all the species on earth.
Maltus wrote about food and populations imbalance that influenced Darwin's survival of the fittest theory.
Lamark had the idea that living things changed but from generation to generation.


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