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Evolutionary Theory

Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Evolutionary Theory

Darwin influenced, Konrad Lorenz

Seeks to identify
behavior that is the result of our genetic inheritance from our ancestors.

Darwin argued in his book On the Origin of Species that a process of natural selection creates traits in a species that are adaptive to its environment. Using Darwin’s arguments, evolutionary approaches contend that our genetic inheritance determines not only such physical traits as skin and eye color, but certain personality traits and social behaviors as well.

evolutionary perspective draws heavily on the field of

ethology examines the
ways in which our biological makeup influences our behavior

Konrad Lorenz

Discovered that newborn geese are genetically pre-programmed to become attached to the first moving object they see after birth.

Discovered that newborn geese are genetically pre-programmed to become attached to the first moving object they see after birth.

His work, which demonstrated the importance of biological determinants in influencing behavior patterns, ultimately led developmentalists to consider the ways in which human behavior might reflect inborn genetic patterns.